“Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

Matthew 25:13

This verse ends the telling of the parable of the Ten Bridesmaids – five wise and prepared, five foolish and unprepared. In this strange world of today with crises upon crises this seems like very good advice, but also very exhausting – being aware/awake all the time on this journey. And we cannot not know what is right around the corner with any certainty although we make plans upon plans.

So how can I unpack this to be manageable while still hearing Jesus’s words? Perhaps the journey is not moving forward each day but digging deeper into what is in front of me. “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anais Nin. This is one of my very favorite quotes. I have had it in my wallet for years and come across it now and again in articles and books. I am trying to see a bit more of things as they are during this unusual time.

In “normal” times I would be breezing along with a proper schedule and tasks to be accomplished. Now I have more time to dig deeper. I have time to reflect on my deeply held beliefs and be challenged. I have been taking a couple of online courses/classes and reading books I would never have picked up before. This all is changing my perceptions and understanding of race relations in this country in all its forms, including my own. I hope that I will be able to answer the challenges to these learnings when called upon to do so, knowing neither the day or hour. And I pray at the end of this deep digging I will meet God again.

Heavenly Father help us to be ready when called on to answer to our faith in You that leads us down paths we never expected to be on. And because we sometimes lack the courage to be awake and alert, but prefer the comfortable place, help us with your Holy Spirit to trust in You always. In the name of your Son, Jesus, we pray. Amen.